For many years, care communities have been saying that they cannot implement at least some elements of person-centered care because of fear that they will get cited by the surveyors, or possibly get sued by the resident’s family if there is a negative outcome that might be attributed to those policies or practices. The Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk Process for Shared Decision Making and Care Planning was developed in response to these concerns to support long-term care communities in their efforts to honor residents’ choices and preferences that influence the quality of care and quality of life while mitigating potential risks associated with those choices and preferences. The toolkit and training video are available to assist your community’s effort to provide preference-based, person-centered care as you begin to implement this process for shared decision making.
A Spotlight on Risk
Honoring Preferences, Minimizing Risks Almost every preference comes with a risk for nursing home residents in the COVID era. For too long, staying safe from contracting the COVID virus meant […]
A Spotlight on Risk
A Risky Preferences Interview with Dr. Liza Behrens
We asked person-centered care expert, Dr. Liza Behrens, to share her insights on honoring preferences when the choice involves risk. Dr. Behrens is Assistant Professor, Ross and Carol Nese College […]
A Risky Preferences Interview with Dr. Liza Behrens
A Step-by-Step Guide to Risky Preferences
Check out our infographic about honoring risky preferences, complete with a real-world example!
A Step-by-Step Guide to Risky Preferences
Developing Person-Centered Service and Care Plans: Honoring Choice While Mitigating Risk
The purpose of this process is to support long-term care communities in their efforts to honor residents’ choices and preferences that influence quality of care and quality of life, while […]
Developing Person-Centered Service and Care Plans: Honoring Choice While Mitigating Risk
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk
This webinar, hosted by Dr. Maggie Calkins and Jennifer Brush, reviews the 4-step process outlined in the Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk Process for Shared Decision Making and […]
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk: A process for shared decision making and care planning
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk: A process for shared decision making and care planning
The Process for Care Planning for Resident Choice
For many years, care communities have been saying that they cannot implement at least some elements of person-centered care because of fear that they will get cited by the surveyors, or […]
The Process for Care Planning for Resident Choice