Yes, absolutely! The PELI is simply an extension of your assessment process. You and your team can ask PELIquestions in tandem with a resident’s initial assessment; routine MDS and care planning cycle; and when there is a significant change in the resident’s status that triggers an assessment.
The PELI and the MDS work well together because the PELI contains the same 16 preference questions that make up the MDS 3.0-Section F: Preferences for Customary Routines and Activities.
The PELI adds follow-up questions that help you learn more about each resident’s preferences so that you can tailor care plans more precisely and efficiently.
To combine the PELI with the MDS and streamline your assessment process:
- Be sure to hold PELI interviews within each resident’s MDS review period.
- Consider using the PELI-Nursing Home-MDS 3.0 Section F-Version 2.0. This tool contains the 16 MDS preference items along with the PELI’s follow-up questions that allows you to collect details on important preferences that are critical to incorporate into the plan of care.
- Using the version linked above can help your community see the benefits of holding conversations with residents about their preferences. Over time, your community can build on this base by adding PELI questions that give a richer picture of the aspects of daily life that are most important to each person.
Our tip sheet “How to Get Started” contains helpful information about introducing the PELI to your community and selecting the preference questions that you’d like to focus on first.