
When You Can’t Ask the Resident: Practice Guidelines for Asking Proxies About Resident Preferences

This webinar discusses how to involve a proxy, such as a family member or friend, for an individual who cannot participate fully in a PELI interview due to cognitive or communication impairment. Presenters discuss strategies to identify a proxy who knows the individual well, methods to collect preference information, and what to do if the individual does not have a proxy. Also, see the Preference Assessment Tip Sheet: Working with Proxies.


This webinar discusses how to involve a proxy, such as a family member or friend, for an individual who cannot participate fully in a PELI interview due to cognitive or communication impairment. Presenters discuss strategies to identify a proxy who knows the individual well, methods to collect preference information, and what to do if the individual does not have a proxy. Also, see the Preference Assessment Tip Sheet: Working with Proxies.